Maureen Holohan
Maureen Holohan is a federal budget and legislative expert with extensive experience in both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the U.S. Government. She held multiple senior positions while serving the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives for 18 years. Her first 12 years of public sector service were at the Food and Drug Administration. She began her work as a consultant for FBIQ in December 2019.
From 2017-2018, Ms. Holohan served as Deputy Staff Director for the House Appropriations Committee under Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), with responsibility for $1.3 trillion in annual appropriations and multiple emergency supplementals. Before being appointed Deputy Staff Director, she was Staff Director for the Veterans Affairs and Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee, which then accounted for over $80 billion in discretionary funding. Major issues Ms. Holohan managed included the implementation of the VA Choice Program, adoption of the VA Electronic Health Record, and funding of military readiness investments worldwide.
Prior roles Ms. Holohan held at the House Appropriations Committee include: professional staff on the Defense Subcommittee, handling intelligence matters, information technology and space acquisition (2013-2015); Branch Chief for Defense and Intelligence studies for the Committee’s investigative staff, in which she supervised up to 15 investigative teams to provide objective, nonpartisan studies for the Committee (2011-2013); and professional staff on the Agriculture Subcommittee, with account responsibility for the Food and Drug Administration, nutrition programs, food safety and agricultural trade (2001-2007).
During her 18 years on the Committee, Ms. Holohan served as majority staff under four full Committee Chairmen, both Republican and Democrat.
Ms. Holohan started her federal career at the Food and Drug Administration as a GS-3 Clerk-Typist, while in college. She advanced to the role of a senior level policy and budget analyst, where she specialized in forecasting, budgeting and performance management. She received multiple civil service awards including the Commissioner’s Special Citation.
A graduate of University of Maryland at College Park, she resides in Maryland with her husband Mark and their three teenage children.