Becky Leggieri
Becky Leggieri has been involved in National Security for over thirty years in the Legislative and Executive Branches of the U.S. Government. After over twenty years as an Army Reserve officer, with most of that time spent on active duty, Becky served for a decade on the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense.
In 2011, Becky joined the professional staff on the Defense Subcommittee. She became subcommittee Staff Director for the minority in 2015 and served as Majority Staff Director from 2019 to 2020. During her tenure on the Committee staff handled every account in the Defense Appropriations portfolio. In Becky’s final bill, the FY21 Defense Appropriation, which funds the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community, totaled close to $700 billion in discretionary funding.
As Staff Director, Becky led her staff through the annual appropriations cycle including reviewing the President’s Budget request for the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community, constructing and drafting the defense appropriations bill for movement through the Committee and the House, and conferencing with the Senate and the Administration to ensure House priorities were maintained in the enacted bill.
With her team, she conducted daily oversight of Department of Defense funding and operations through Congressional Hearings and briefings while advising House Subcommittee and Committee members. She worked closely with senior defense, military, and intelligence officials as well as comptrollers to ensure appropriations law was adhered to throughout the fiscal year and the needs of the military and intelligence community were met. Defense industrial base leaders, think tank scholars and non-profit groups were also part of daily conversations concerning defense appropriations matters.
Becky began her Army career as a Quartermaster officer and finished in the Army Budget Office at the rank of lieutenant colonel. In between, she held assignments in logistics, operations and public affairs at all levels of the Army to include Headquarters, Department of the Army in the Pentagon. She held command and staff positions as well as a detailee position in the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President after serving as a speechwriter to the Chief, Army Reserve.
After working for over twenty years in Washington, DC, Becky now resides in rural Upstate New York with her husband where they spend most of their time working to revitalize their farm. They have a daughter and a son. Becky currently serves as a Library Trustee for her community library, represents her town on the county planning committee and is a member of the Citizens’ Budget Committee for the local school district.
Becky earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Lawrence University in Canton, NY and a Master’s in Public Communication from American University in Washington, DC